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Icam liaisons - Production schools

01 July 2018


After our superb Rencontre Icam, which brought together over 500 students and alumni to discuss the theme of Energy Transition, we're using this theme in your magazine to explore the subject in greater depth, particularly in the case of the building industry.
But I'd also like to give you some news about our Icam à Vie project. It has been approved as a structuring project for the Icam Group. This project is based on lifelong learning. There's no shortage of ideas: Digital campus, intergenerational training, exploiting the cutting-edge expertise acquired by certain Icam engineers, joint academic research projects with Industry,... This project responds to a wish already expressed by Icam Engineers. It is also in line with Icam's raison d'être: to train engineers who are scientifically and technically competent, bearers of human values, enterprising, autonomous and responsible, capable of putting their talents to work for the harmonious development of people and society. Jean-Yves Aubé (70 IL) and his team are spearheading this project, and we will keep you informed of its progress.
Nearly 2,000 of you also responded to the Qualistrat survey on your expectations of the Association. It provides us with significant input for building the Association's future action. In this issue, you'll also find a questionnaire to help us develop your magazine. Finally, to give you an update on the editorial team, I'd like to thank Dominique Lamarque (64 years old) for his longstanding dedication to the Association. He is handing over his role as Editor-in-Chief of Icam Liaisons to Bernard Soret (75 IL). I wish you all the very best in your professional, personal and family activities, and look forward to an excellent summer break,

Jean-Yves Le Cuziat ( 82 IL)


  • DOSSIER: Energy transition in the building industry
  • FOCUS - Italy - Benvenuto Italia!
  • CGE SURVEY 2018 - Survey of student and alumni expectations
  • Chaplain's page: Icam pilgrimage to the Holy Land
  • SCHOOL LIFE: Production schools - 10th Icam Group Campus planned - Inter'Icam 2018 - Spring Festival
  • ASSOCIATION LIFE: Optimized pumping wind turbine
  • PORTRAIT: Sébastien Berghe (95 IL)
  • INTERNATIONAL: Labor Day in Africa! - Profile of a designer - Mentoring Indian students