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Viewed 56 times
13 November 2024
At Icam, there's a spirit of curiosity at the forefront of research work.
Nicolas Roussouly (108 Toulouse) is a research engineer at the Institut de Recherche Technologique Saint-Exupéry, whose mission includes technology transfer between academia and industry. A pivotal position in perfect harmony with his studies.
Icam Liaisons (IL): Your studies at Icam led to a research career. How did that work out? Nicolas Roussouly (NR): In parallel with my final year at the school, I took a research master's degree in mechanical engineering at Toulouse's Paul-Sabatier University, thanks to evening classes and a special Icam curriculum. In my final year, my scientific dissertation was linked to CNES, where I also did my end-of-studies internship. I then had the opportunity to embark on a thesis, co-supervised by...
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