List of numbers

Icam links Hydrogen

01 April 2021


We can't wait to "turn the page on 2020", and it's a pleasure to "turn the pages" of this IL magazine, which allows us to share our projects and achievements, despite our physical distance. Meet, Zooms, Teams and other tools connect us, and keep us alive.

The ambition of this magazine is to create a link between alumni around the world. Your testimonials are essential. They contribute to the richness and vitality of our association, and to the development of Icam's reputation.

We'll continue to develop this magazine, listening to your suggestions and implementing the results of our latest survey.

This issue is special for several reasons:

This is our 200th issue: we're recounting the milestones in its history, with a series of special anniversary features.

It takes into account your wish, shared by all generations: respect for the environment and the preparation of a future favorable to man and nature. Our special issue is dedicated to hydrogen and low-carbon industry. Many of our alumni are involved in this sector.

It continues to open our pages to women. We're delighted to be able to profile a woman manager, and to showcase the growing number of testimonials from women.

We open our columns to students affected by the health crisis. They may be tried and frustrated, but they're looking to the future, and they realize how lucky they are to be part of the Icam community.

Finally, we are continuing to modernize the magazine, in line with the Group's graphic charter.

Our association is working on implementing the orientations of the strategic plan. We'll be talking about this in the next issue, developing the priorities of the alumni association and those of the Group, which are, of course, coherent.

A new alumni website is being set up. We report on it in this issue. Please continue to update your contact details in the directory, in liaison with your class representatives, who are currently being asked to respond to a survey, in order to improve the alumni network.

Our Focus is dedicated to Benelux. Many of our alumni are present there, or have links there, and are ready to talk about their experiences. This further confirms the unifying role of these country focuses.

Find out more about student interviews and the apprenticeship tax appeal in "School life".

Our chaplain encourages us to reflect on solidarity, an important value at Icam.

Finally, we talk to you about employment, entrepreneurship and international business. These are subjects we will continue to develop in our publications (magazine and flash).

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our authors, and all the volunteers who work to enrich us and create links in this demanding context.

Let's continue to strive for a more united, cultured and joyful world.

Bruno Vannieuwenhuyse (74 ILI)
President of the Icam Alumni Association

Bernard Soret (75 ILI)
Editor in chief Icam liaisons


Dossier Hyfrogène


Focus Benelux