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Icam liaisons - Icam engineers in the hollow glass industry

01 May 2017


This April 1, 2017, we experienced a very successful Rencontre Icam. At the Sénart theater we were 450 students and graduates, young and old. You loved the site, the meetings, the Icam Trophy chosen from 24 candidates who have recently launched their own business. You also enjoyed the workshops on Meaning and, of course, the lecture by Bertrand Vergely. Thank you to all the organizers for a wonderful day. The Rencontre is one of the Association's events, creating the network we hold so dear.
Very shortly, we will be proposing an update of our Strategic Plan, which will be structured around four themes , the first of which will involve integrating students into the Association. The second theme will be the deployment of an "Icam for life " based on lifelong learning. The third theme will be opening up to the international arena, to provide even greater support for the Group's development. Finally, the fourth transformation will be the strengthening of cross-functional leadership to encourage local initiatives.
You will certainly have noticed that the Icam Liaisons Editorial Committee has given our magazine a new look. We would like to draw your attention to page 2. This is and will be designed to familiarize you with the organization of the Icam Group, on the one hand, and with the organization of our association, on the other. A succession of plates will show you how the Group and the association are organized, both in France and internationally.
Enjoy your reading, and we look forward to seeing you again,

Best regards,

Jean-Yves Le Cuziat ( 82 IL)


  • DOSSIER: Icam engineers in the hollow glass industry
  • FOCUS - Russia
  • Icam SURVEY 2015
  • Life of the Association
  • FROM ONE REGION TO ANOTHER: The other side of Brazil