
Visit to Saint-Denis Cathedral with Groupe Île de France - January 11, 2024

22 January 2024 Life of the Association
Published by Ghislaine MOURAIT
Viewed 180 times

The Cathedral Basilica of Saint Denis is a Gothic jewel with magnificent stained glass windows and numerous recumbent figures of the kings of France (43). Some of you may already have visited it, but its stained glass windows have just been completely cleaned, giving it a new lease of life (its second spire is currently being rebuilt).

26 of us from Icam and Ecam visited or revisited the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Denis: a good meal and an excellent tour with our invaluable guide, Mr Menez. The multitude of recumbent statues gave us a chance to brush up on our history of French royalty and, as the sun was shining, the restored stained-glass windows were magnificent. There's still a lot of work to be done. If you go there towards the end of 2024, you'll be able to admire the spire that's about to be reinstalled. We hope nobody got sick, as it was a very cold day, including in the crypt and cathedral.

Thanks to Marie-Christine Bidault and André Satin (58 Lille).

Love it

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