
The Audacious Night in Lille

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During the previous edition of La Nuit des Audacieux organized in Nantes in September 2022, nearly €160,000 was raised to finance projects on the Icam site. Among the projects that received funding was the construction of a city stadium, inaugurated last June during the "Tournoi des Audacieux".

This year's event, to be held at EuraTechnologies in Lille on October 18, will feature 7 projects:

Recruiting and training a greater diversity of engineers

Experimenting, rereading and discerning: what a program!

The production school, a unique model

Research at the heart of integral ecology and the region

All players in the energy and ecological transition

Engineers and contractors

Building the 2 centuries campus together

Find out more about these projects, with their challenges and funding objectives, on the dedicated La Nuit des Audacieux website. You'll also find information on the organization of the evening and how to take part.

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