
Eric Siraudeau meets Vanina (Apprentice 2026) and Arthur (Integrated 2028), Alumni representatives of Icam Strasbourg Europe students.

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On his first visit to the Icam Strasbourg Europe site, Eric SIRAUDEAU (84 Lille), President of the Alumni Association, met the school's first student delegates.

Vanina BARAHONA UNDURRAGA joined Icam Strasbourg Europe as part of the "Industrial Digital Systems" specialized apprenticeship program. As for Arthur BRICE, for his first year after high school, he chose to follow the generalist engineering course with a scientific preparatory course.

Newly appointed, they were immediately able to follow the association's Board of Directors meeting on January 27. As Eric was on his way to Strasbourg, they both got to know him, and discovered how the alumni association works and what it can do for students in the course of their studies.

The first great moment of sharing between engineers and students will take place when the sponsorship program is launched on February 22, with the formation of engineer-student pairs. In addition, Bruno VANNIEUWENHUYSE (74 Lille) VP Grand Est, offers a monthly conference followed by an afterwork, to which students and engineers are widely invited.

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