Events calendar

What are your salary expectations?

Organised by "Job&Carreer"

How to tactically broach the subject of compensation with your current or future employer

To coincide with the release of the results of the IESF survey, this Professional Life Tuesday will address the subject of remuneration.

Whether it's a recruitment interview, or a meeting with your current employer, knowing your value on the job market and identifying negotiation margins requires you to take a step back and seek information on the subject.

This Career Tuesday will provide an opportunity to discuss the following topics:

  • Remuneration and salary: what are we talking about?

  • some benchmarks, including a presentation of the annual IESF survey

  • Objective, subjective and floor salaries

  • My career path: qualifications, significant experience, and negotiating leeway

Tuesday 8 October 2024
18:15 - 20:00 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 7th October
Online event
  • Free

Career transition consultant

Silvana has been helping men and women make decisions for over ten years. Qualiopi certified, she has been carrying out skills assessments since 2014, a tool for identifying a person's professional and personal skills, as well as their aptitudes and motivations.

Over time, she has developed project coaching aimed at guiding individuals in implementing their career goals through career guidance, job search support and a skills development plan.

At the same time, she works with public institutions and private companies to train professional figures and run group workshops on topics such as job search techniques, career management and personal development.

She also runs practice-sharing sessions for groups, aimed at sharing experiences and collaborative learning.

Finally, she assists organizations in their decision-making process to draw up skills development plans and support the organizational transformation process.

She draws on a wealth of experience in the field and a constant watch on what's going on in the job market.

1 Comment

Ghislaine MOURAIT (81 ILI)
25 days ago
Je connais particulièrement bien Silvana. C'est une professionnelle extrêmement pertinente, efficace et bienveillante dans ce domaine de la gestion des carrières et de l'emploi. Elle côtoie des profils aussi divers que variés (du cadre dirigeant au demandeur très éloigné de l'emploi), c'est toute la richesse de son expérience adossée à des connaissances académiques solides.

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Tuesday 8 October 2024
18:15 - 20:00 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 7th October
Online event
  • Free

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